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tv   [untitled]    December 4, 2012 9:30am-10:00am EST

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they had to get their ass up out here and go direct to somebody gassed up probably . they saw so much food away here it sure somebody gets eat it. so we're not here to steal your food. sometimes you get a chance going to stand for us pinching yourself out of. the hell half so you going to be down seventy one. i just got out. like a robot you don't mind if i grab something so i can have a little sum in my health to full meals they're. willing to give some good you don't agree to it well. there you go beans rice and bacon. here put in their kids thankful thank you my friend the function was just. and you know me will not take you from. that. you know i'm sure you really kill
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a couple of these drinks. thanks and you can come down on us any time you want bro. ron said. he. and i could take a meal. with. this. our marines paid. this comes out of their check he goes to landfill. they don't like to waste nothing either because that's money comes out of their pocket but ever since the war broke out they can't be too friendly visit their two family here make it over there they can get blown up. shows from the street. some is to be good for fifteen twenty years because trees know you will radiation. so that doesn't corrupt. and if you should eat it in a combat zone.
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good cheer it's not trashed out way. in california's extreme southeast the same bunch that u.s. navy marine corps british royal air force going to drop on iraq and afghanistan would be seen as nothing less than heaven sent by a group of hard bits survivalists the so-called scrappers and range runners who trespass the navy's chocolate mountain bombing and gunnery range in pursuit of salvageable parts missile sections and heavy machine gun ammunition. what
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follows reflection here is actually to gain entry to the shadowy sub all the well constantly during four hundred seventy square mile no man's land. coming all this and there's a jet there and you look up and there's one tapping on you he alpha beta gamma with all the fine now trying to treat his leg i would. not pinpoint. right now. just a joke. ready for rove and his younger brother ronnie live and nyland a dusty shanty town that backs up to the bombing range they took to the chocolate mountains through team leader risking life and limb when scavenging the military
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range became their sole means of survival. fueled by plane rap beer and methamphetamine the border of brothers burned their way into the military range it being sunday randy desperately clings to the hope that the fighter bombers and helicopter gunships won't be airborne nonetheless there are no certainties in this war zone save for the lethal quality of the landscape. there is this please let this be a safe prosperous true. brother. run a red light. so. i stop it grew by face my mother scored the other way. roughly seven or eight miles in randy ass and the cameras be turned on on the western edge of the chocolates the navy's elite hunter killer seal teams conduct desert warfare training.
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garrido to practice we close in on the target of his brother's radek driving increasingly agitates randy probably told. you just maybe we will we do not want to judge trailers you got it as a trouble i do know you. didn't see the bass the bass can see you. tried anybodies and three inches. from the bass they got their camera experience i made you read the skin on you know exactly who you are things really think what if they listen dude they would drive right by it. to do that oh we're telling you what they hear. you think it's true they think they know way for good maybe even like it's. like it but they do it but they don't like it. there's a school. in the world the balls are going to hurt so there's no. worries we're
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sitting around the drinks we jacked up took all the wheels off of those the rooms are made out of aluminum so you take the wheels off and you're going to stick them in the fire and it melts the rubber off the people and you've got plenty of dollars' worth of aluminum wealthy people oh well. shelby boy the bank. shot. the. parse this. and. some. of the facts and breaks into your.
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the. through arkansas it does sort of a bitch in the suburban to be gone from here. it's a primer it's a live thousand pound. shit into. randy's crushed there's nothing but blue practice bombs here clearly another crew has scoured this tour through its roll over the runway meanwhile brother ronnie gets his kicks in a vietnam era tank turned target. no no no. you don't need a gun to. go. down here on this corner right here. tell me appearing all in the middle of the road to stay in the middle of a straddle i don't want to try to go around strapped. play
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not holes in the ways it's up the boat. like it up here. calm down to go off. roll a bastard. i see. it go cart go cart everywhere america. can take or go carts and it. all go back over their good. pleasure. but battles. oh my brake assembly
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goes all. the bloody. cold start putting up with the government. lawyer i go under running as we're about to leave the runway target u.s. navy f. eighteen c. for a morning mark. yeah well. there's shoot no we haven't seen or heard one all day but i just kind of build where and smoke us search out in search of safer territory. as randy finds something he's anxious to show us. the british
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anti-tank. this is just one section this seems like five sections each section has two of these things right hearing it cool boom boom boom. that's right there that's all i got gulped whoever conduct this was just going to get still gotta live on a little highly explosive some track off a tank it's like i live for one of the good balances and i'm also still kobolds oh my god. look at her it's a. whole army it's i don't touch that it's branding wants nothing to do with live explosives yet we can't help but think that other scrappers would. have. got
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a couple it's about us on the front. the larger. you know that's what causes the earthquakes. a bomb went off and then the earthquake started. to fill the bottom of the just keep going. just as were said to the medicine fish and looking vehicle comes into view randy's freetown based on the old. you know system if you lose a ball because you proved guilty knew you were there was you
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a very cheery if you were a got a lower ability were. the . wealthy british style. markets why not count on. find out what's really happening to the global economy
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so what are the locals think of scrappers. they are ladies you sold out. then you take this all small they're pot that's the first thing is the first to go down they get this aluminum then you got a big idea but they get the money well then they can use the money up to get the money. for all i can scrap or i don't
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think they belong out or around not going after her on painting and government property no trespassing i should tell you right kind of a long time i forgot clarence for bell they don't like what is doing this you're not supposed to because there's all the. good stuff you know it doesn't go into. the bond market need to try. good didn't but he was there stuff played around with the chicks by the man he went out there and he was scrap and i don't even know his name but anyway what happened when picked up a funk type of will bomb off the bomb range right so i took it back to slab saying . this guy supposed to be a twelve year military man experienced in orbit so he'd be on the bomb and i am you're not supposed to do that and common sense a lot happened the bomb blew up here and the other guy that was getting
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a good god i think this guy passed away too but he picked up the pieces so i created on my team about my good money and scrappy and it was going money where i think if you are got a bucket coalmining step on your hand or money bought. the good took one of the dozen. straight out to the flat the way. he was in the back you kept the bomb. going off blew your mind out it didn't kill you but who just like. the book. moving on from the first run with the outlaw brothers we found various layers of local and federal law enforcement tasked with prosecuting scrappers and range runners. the gentleman we call x.
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need to remain anonymous. on his life when a scrapper he's been tracking placed an i.e.d. or improvised explosive device at his workstation michael lexica has been fire chief of nylon california for forty. nine elation fifteen hundred has no police as first responder likes it bears not only the burden of saving and securing any military ordinance that finds its way into town but also thanklessly risks his own life her treating anyone who's injured or killed in the chocolates. at the imperial county sheriff's substation in el centro california a half hour's drive south of niland we met investigator deputy coroner charles lucas it's lucas' that fire chief mike calls when a scrapper range runner suffers a fatal injury. or is in possession of military explosive.
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one of the very few lie military training areas where a jet can come in off of an aircraft carrier do some light fire train day or night fire rockets drop bombs. they like dropping multiple bombs in that area because. the canyons on both sides muffle the noise and the damage that it does to the town. in one case where they dropped twenty one thousand pound bombs on the range. they had to face almost every window and light bulb and prepare plaster in niland for you know i must. is one of the poorest communities in california. it's in
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a neighborhood of eighty five percent below federal poverty level. unemployment sixty percent. every january income per family seven thousand dollars. most cities people a scratch they get some kind of subsistence something from the state or federal government of some type. to california government went from giving to check some of the one check and save and millions and millions of dollars i think it's wrong that you give them one check expect them to make that last thirty days and nothing changes they're still spending they're spending twice as much on dope they spend twice as much on beer at the end seven days they've got to find some source of income they consider going up getting bomb scraps or explosive a good source and. the
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scrapping has been heavy there are a lot of people who go out there and go for the metal the aluminum and and different things like that and unfortunately some of the explosives when you have any criminal element scrapper or otherwise that is able to access any significant quantities explosive materials it serves no one's business interest particularly in this climate post nine eleven when we were actually a country of war against terrorism. were. way. way. way.
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off. the top. one thing about the gunning down bombing range is that it's certain twenty periods that there are quantities of explosive materials out there they drop x. number of bombs well say out of ten bombs maybe one doesn't explode so who knows how many of those are sitting out there. remember the descriptors are opportunists if the opportunity presents itself to axis bettles for explosives they will do it one particular scrap or retrieve the maverick missile the classified piece of ordinance and removed the explosive payload and where he went with it we don't know the potential for danger to the public is very real it simply highlights the importance of the military again this civilian law enforcement operation
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supercritical there's a team i've been to court or. a lawyer say where you go what you should fancy. patrols out and how are you going to patrol and kept all of this. i know i told them the. silliest things they ever did was to. make the fines out of aluminum they're up here scrapping aluminums so much about what they're up here for some people here i have no scruples don't know nothing. most of them are my friends they don't kill people so i don't say nothing and they've already been caught for their crimes and sent to prison the chef said you know you go right over here by the fish right here. that phone right there. back full of interest because you can't call it a back of
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a back and go left they have to go go go. for stealing the fuel for duration and there's an officer right there so we go this way go go go slowly see this behind i have. some for being single. man worked as a chef in durango colorado tumbling out to california as low does or he began to rescue any rattlesnakes he found the nile and releasing them on the bombing range he's been bitten one thousand times. i forget all the stuff you supposed to do out here. you're not supposed to from here and i've learned from that and i sure know what to look out for. twenty millimeter. here and here if it went off in my hand it could kill i can people are making them
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. get to be flying over and they have gaps and you'll. hear the noise and you'll find a computer. and be on the ground for about a mile. and there's money but they're touching. a lot more second chances everything else in many respects greatest such it's true. i thought for me you really were give me here to try to hurt people. we can make arrangements. and you'd be hoping that the officer there was here to help you . for the time i got through it's going to play with you. we harbor convinced the law enforcers to do that there are sleeper cells of terrorist hold was in this country today. according to chief michael lexica it
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ain't rocket science to disassemble unexploded ordinance or you xo to access the plastic explosive easy access to both easy easy access to fire a device is. a smoke grenade to be made into a bomb. that's made into an actual grenade by using a. simple over the market over the counter devices so i think the potential is there yes w t t v thirteen we can do. we begin tonight with an exclusive story we first brought you last night and it all has to do with a major explosives find in imperial county good evening everyone i'm erica is out now with k s news at our top story tonight sheriff's deputies recovered the explosives of ammunition in an island home they say it's the largest illegal ammunition find ever in niland some of it included fifty caliber live machine gun ammo and they are fifteen cluster bombs and the highest houser level before
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a bomb but it is what i told you that they would rate it is out to go that. well i tried to get the f.b.i. and a.t.f. involved in it nobody wanted to do that so if it were blowing everything ourselves with their bombs. that was around the time of the convention in palm springs and that's was my concern you know there's. bombs chief mike made a frightening connection a major political of that was about to convene in palm springs california eighty miles northwest of niland they were arrested in moves born around the city mission go on i didn't. and why the winner is today. federal government's. rules and many times you'll find people in law enforcement agency say well so what if the military's just losing someone who cares it's and they just don't really understand
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that it's more the middle going away. executing a search warrant investigator lucas and shiva lexicon discovered photos and homemade video shot by the family. we saw following the seal team up as a seal team driver magazine they would be right behind it they had a video picking this stuff up right and dressed just like the seals. you know they grew up or nancy they did all dharmas blow it up and just pop up bang bang a child that they try to nail down and tears just like to blow shit up when they made that water truck disappear i mean just black this appeared videotape of him is trying to get to going kids are five or five years old to. go but.
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you know his secret laboratory tim curry was able to build removes most sophisticated robots which all unfortunately doesn't give a darn about anything tunes mission to teach music creation why it should care about humans and we're going this is why you should care only on the dot com. me is it eat eat eat eat eat eat eat eat eat eat eat eat eat. eat eat eat eat.
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it all sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture. be a. good.


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